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Instagram Characters Limits: DMs, Bio, Posts, Captions & Hashtags


Instagram Characters Limits: DMs, Bio, Posts, Captions & Hashtags

Instagram is where your video, photos, images, and other illustrations are intended to gloss. Instagram is good for attaining Instagram followers and converting them into your potential customers. You are not only limited to marketing your products and promoting your brand. You can also boost your organizations because you can also turn the attention of millions of traffic towards your brand. Still, there are some limitations for marketing, promotion, and advertisement perspectives. Here is a complete guide for Instagram characters limits you should need to know. Here it is!

Instagram Characters Limit

Instagram’s character limit is the same as Facebook. Instagram characters contain captions, descriptions, and main body text.


The main headline only contains 40 characters.

Body Text:

Your body text consists of 125 characters.

Description sections:

Your description contains 30 characters


The caption consists of 2200 characters.

Thus it enables Instagram users to add sufficient information to their posts. Through your caption, you can add a lot of content to your posts. If you want to display the full content of your caption, then Instagram also provides you with a few more characters, which have about 125 characters limit. The first three lines of your Instagram caption are displayed on your post, while other lines are hidden with the read more option.

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Classification of Instagram Character Limits

There are a total of 2200 characters on Instagram, which are classified into different segments. Here is how Instagram characters are divided into various sections.

  • 1000 characters limit is available for you DM on Instagram
  • 150 words are for Bio
  • Your Instagram username only contains 30 characters
  • Your Instagram hashtags contain 30 characters
  • 30 characters are reserved for your Instagram profile name
  • The character limit for the caption dock is 125

Instagram DMs Character Limit

Your Instagram DM is a suitable and perfect place to communicate with other Instagram users. It is an easy and short way of communication because it enables you to write and send your text, videos, customer images, and other content. In addition, you can send whatever you want to show to your friends and followers.

Besides, it also enables you to use and optimize your written text by using different Instagram features.

You have only a 1000 characters limit for your Instagram DM, while you cannot exceed it. To get DM’s, you need to tap on the paper icon on the top right corner of your screen. The 1000 characters are around 240 to 250 words, while spaces are also considered characters in your Instagram DM. If you do not add spaces between your words, then it reaches around 300 to 330 words. The character limit of your Instagram DM helps to prevent spammers.

Instagram Profile Name Characters Limit

Through your Instagram profile, you can add your Bio. It also includes your Instagram posts that you need to be uploaded. It includes the complete information of your Instagram profile by adjusting your account sets. From the Instagram profile option, you can change and edit your profile information when you want to. When you open your Instagram application at the right top corner, there is an option for the profile.

Tapping on the profile option, you can view the complete profile. Instagram profile characters limit is only 30 characters out of 2200. Therefore, you can only use 30 characters to edit your profile name. No more than 30 characters are allowed to be used.

Thus it would be best if you chose a 30 character long profile name for your Instagram account.

Instagram Username Characters Limit

Your Instagram username plays a vital role. It represents your identity among millions of Instagram users. If you are a brand or a company, you need to choose a compelling and elegant username for your Instagram. It’s not just to attract the target audience, but it also establishes your distinctive identity and position on Instagram. When you get success and reputation among users, you know your name among your competitors. Therefore, your Instagram username should be representable, written in an easy-to-understand way.

For your username, Instagram allows you to add only 30 characters. Your Instagram username can only contain numbers, letters, and underscore. You can’t use symbols and punctuations in your username. You don’t need to write your complete name in your Instagram username. It would be best if you chose an attractive name that can represent your business. If you want to add the complete name of your business, you can add it to your Instagram bio section. Your username should also not be relevant to your content.

Instagram Hashtag Characters Limit

The Instagram hashtag option plays an important role in communication on Instagram. It helps in SEO and connecting followers. If you want to market your products and promote business, then the effective use of hashtags can be the best tool.

According to recent research, it has been determined that posts with hashtags have more reviews than posts without trending hashtags. Furthermore, it shows that if you use relevant and trending hashtags in your Instagram post, you have a high possibility to increase your connections and followers.

To apply hashtags to your post, first be sure hashtags you are using are relevant to your content. Instagram shows associated hashtags to other Instagram users. Instagram has also defined the characters limit for hashtags. But its character limit is different from other social platforms. You have a 30 characters limit for your Instagram hashtags.

You can use hashtags in your feedback section or within the caption. While using trending hashtags, you must keep the character’s limit in your mind because you cannot exceed it.

Instagram Bio Character Limit

Your Instagram Bio section only allows you to enter 150 characters. By using your Bio characters, you can correct your IG bio characters. The character limit for the bio section creates a lot of problems for companies and brands. It can be a little place for them to add their information. But, it is different for them to attract followers.

New Instagram visitors only with 150 characters. It restricts them from being creative. Still, there are some alternatives to solve this problem. If you are a brand of an agency, then do not worry about the bio characters limit. You can apply various alternatives to add sophisticated information to your Bio to encourage your Instagram users.

We will not leave you with this issue alone. Therefore we bring the workable and alternative solution to break the bio characters limit.

Methods to Increase Bio Character Limit

Here are the mind-blowing ideas, how you can increase the character limit of your Instagram bio.

Adding Link

Suppose you need to increase the character limit of your Instagram bio. You can add a link in your Bio to provide more information to your followers so that they can learn more about your agency or company.

It is a quick and simple method to provide more engaging information to your users. Adding a link in your Bio helps Instagram users to land on your official site directly. You can add the link to your about us page or another suitable link that you want to display to your users.

Using Post

Your Instagram posts contain a high portion of your total character limit. Thus you have more chances to provide necessary information through your posts to your Instagram users. For example, in a single post, you have 2200 characters to use. You can use this space to collect all the information about your company or agency highly.

In this way, you can add whatever you think to be in front of your Instagram followers, which you did not enter in your Bio. It is an easy and productive way to grab the attention of your Instagram users to your Bio. You can also upload your Bio and important links to your business in your posts. It can help you to bring more traffic to your official site while your Instagram followers also increase.

Story Highlights

Another great method to increase the bio characters you can use story highlights. You can use story highlights to add more information about your business to your users. Again, you can customize and control it as you want.


I hope now you have a complete guide on the character limit of Instagram. You can decide how to use your characters in each Instagram section. Applying the information mentioned earlier can help you to use the characters limit perfectly on your Instagram account. It will help you to achieve your objectives easily.

It will also be beneficial for you to communicate with their Instagram followers easily. Not only will your personal experience with Instagram use be improved. But you will also be able to engage with your Instagram followers effectively. The character limit on Instagram helps you to engage with other Instagram users in an elegant manner. On the other hand, it also noted that marketing strategies thus play a significant role in Instagram business marketing.

You can experiment with the real-time application of this guide and observe the change.

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