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How to Make Your Crush Notice You on Instagram


How to Make Your Crush Notice You on Instagram

Being an introvert is already complicated as it is. If you are one, you must understand that talking to people, especially those you are crushing on, feels like torture. But, don’t you worry. Like everyone, you also deserve a chance on love. And we have got you covered.

Instagram can be your saviour and put you out of your misery. Instead of physically walking up to your crush, mustering enough courage to talk and then completely blabbing and blowing your chance, you can now make your crush notice you on Instagram. You don’t need to call them directly or even send a message on their phone. Instead, you can explore various ways to interact with your crush on Instagram and make them notice you.

So, let’s not drag this any further and get straight to the point. Shall we?

Follow Your Crush

Your first and foremost step should be following your crush. Duh! It’s simple. If you don’t follow them, how will you ever see what they post and what they like and dislike?

Keep Your Account Public

The second most apparent step which most people forget is not to make their Instagram account private. I mean, what’s the point of all this if your crush can’t stalk your feed secretly. Make sure you have enough number of followers on Instagram to impress her. She should be amazed to see that you have more followers than her.

Make Your Account Desirable

If directly talking to your crush is not an option, elevate your Instagram feed to a level that it speaks for you. Clean it all up and delete all unnecessary and bogus stuff. Evaluate how you want to be seen by your crush and make your feed as attractive as possible. Let’s admit it; people quickly look over bland personalities. So, if you want your desire to follow you back, you must elevate your game, son (or daughter). Utilize all the possible Instagram tricks and features to not be seen as a mediocre user.

Comment on Your Crush’s Posts

There is a fragile line between charming and creepy. So tread very carefully, my friend. Occasionally commenting on your crush’s posts will make you gain their attention. They might also respond to you now and then, and a bond can be built between you. However, don’t comment on every post because, quite frankly, you will seem unhinged. Also, avoid using excessive emoji making your interest in them super obvious.

Post Your Best Pictures

It might seem a little superficial, but if you think about it, it’s pretty practical. When you go for an interview at a new place, you want to look your best. So just like that, it is always wise to start on a good note on Instagram. Discover what your best angles are, and don’t be nervous about tooting your own horn. Confidence increases desirability.

Reply to Your Crush’s Stories

The simplest way of starting talking to your crush is by replying to their Instagram stories. Then, you can slide into their DMs and show your interest in whatever they are posting. Just remember to sound casual, not desperate.

Write Unique Captions

I can’t stress this enough, but captions are a huge game-changer. Everybody loves a funny and interesting person. If you can’t do that in reality, make sure that the captions of your posts are interesting, unique, and relatable. Whenever you write a caption, focus on your crush’s interests, so they will be compelled to message you.

Tag Your Crush in Pics

When someone is tagged in another person’s photo, they feel like they comprise particular importance in their life. Tagging your crush will lead to them feeling being included. So, tag them away. It will not only make your crush notice you, but they might also end up like you.

Observe Who Your Crush Follows

Before you think that we sound like a psycho, hear us out. When you go through the list of people or pages your crush follows, you will get to know them even better. For example, if your crush is a diehard fan of The Weekend, you can also follow him and observe what they like about him. Similar interests can help you embark on an exciting conversation.

Look for Mutual Friends

So, if luckily you and your crush have a mutual friend(s), you can use this situation to your advantage. You can ask your mutual friend to be a wingman/woman to help you get noticed by your crush. Your mutual friend can tag both of you in the same picture, bounding your crush to see you. Your mutual friend can also make your image seem more reliable and trustable.

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